ASUS ROG G53 laptop screen with a new game 3D

ASUS introduced the latest Lab Topadtha a ROG G53. The new laptop is a laptop in a series of games G for the company and the outstanding issues is provided to display three-dimensional 3D

The company offered laptop new exhibition Computex did not put a lot of details about the device yet, for the property of the 3D will be optional, where you can choose models with a screen laptop three-dimensional at all, or choose a model with a normal screen but with the ability to transfer three-dimensional image TV supports this feature through the HDMI port on the device.

This is known about it so far:

- Intel Core i3 or i5 or i7

- 15.6-lit LED screen background

- NVIDIA graphics card

- DDR3 RAM up to 16 GB

- Hardisek double

- USB 3.0 port

- HDMI port capable of transmitting the signal of the 3D feature of 3D TV

- Optional Blu-ray player